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Novari IKS is responsible for the development and management of the county authorities' shared IT systems in education, transport and technology.

Who is Novari IKS?

novari iks temporary logo

Novari IKS (intermunicipal company) is responsible for the development and management of the county authorities' shared IT systems within upper secondary education, transport and technology.

The company is owned by the county authorities and is governed by a supervisory board with one member from each county authority and one from the City of Oslo, as well as a board of directors. Novari IKS has its head office in Porsgrunn with 40 permanent employees. The company buys out employees from the counties as needed.

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Image of the front page of the annual report

Annual report 2023

The annual report for 2023 has now been approved by our Supervisory Board.
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Image of a person typing on a computer. Photo by Glenn Carstens Peters / Unsplash

Feedback on locally given written exam questions spring 2024

Novari IKS and the county councils want feedback on locally given written exam assignments given in the national collaboration in the spring of 2024.
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Nominated for the digitalization award: Legal work on roles and responsibilities between the municipal sector and the state

The local government sector and Kulturtanken have been nominated for the Digitization Award for their work on designing agreements and legal framework conditions in solutions owned by the state and used by the local government sector. This work sets a precedent for the development and use of national joint case management solutions for the state, county councils and municipalities. Anne Mette Dørum, who now works at Novari IKS, has played a key role in this work and is mentioned separately in the nomination.
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